How to rediscover Barcelona on a Catalan night out

Barcelona has long been the city success story for Spanish tourism, drawing record numbers of international visitors every year. While the influence of the tourist euro on the city’s fortunes cannot be underestimated, for locals this success has come at a price as areas such as Barri Gòtic have changed beyond recognition. Recently, however, Barcelona’s […]
A local’s guide to Christmas and New Year in Barcelona

There are few places on earth as festive-feeling as Barcelona’s chocolate-box medieval heart over the Christmas period (which here runs until Epiphany, or Twelfth Night). Even the narrowest of alleyways are bathed in the glow of coloured lights, and entire families step out together to soak up the atmosphere, gaze at the huge nativity scene […]

Barcelona nightlife has a lot to offer – we can propose you a great night plan –it could be a legendary pub crawl with the entrance of the hottest disco clubs in Barcelona beach. New contacts, new people and a lot of fun is guaranteed with I’m Barcelona Vip! Why to choose PUB CRAWL What […]